GRPC Long Range Transportation Plan Feedback - November 2015
I/We request that Biloxi Comprehensive Plan 2009 Transportation Improvement Project 34. “East Harrison County Connector from Woolmarket to Popps Ferry Rd.” be removed from the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan for the following reasons:
1) Not Needed
Widening Popps Ferry Rd to 5 lanes from Margaret Sherry to Pass Rd. and building a new 4 lane Popps Ferry bridge would increase the roadway capacity to 29,640 which would exceed projected 2030 needs without the Connector. See table below from the Comprehensive Plan.
Table 4.1 / Traffic Volumes and Projections
* When increased from 3 lanes to 5 lanes the Roadway Capacity will increase from 15,540 to 29,640.
Adverse affect on businesses located on Cedar Lake and Popps Ferry corridor.

Traffic would be diverted from the Cedar Lake exit and allowed to by pass Cedar Lake and

Popps Ferry Commercial establishments which so heavily rely on traffic volume.
Environmental Concerns

Construction and operation of a connector across the Tchoutacabouffa River would have an

irrecoverable detrimental impact on the pristine river, adjacent wetlands and estuary.

Recreational use of the river would be impaired.

Mississippi residents would be losing more of a most valued and limited resource.

Noise pollution would be exacerbated and affect all adjacent communities surrounding the river.

Rare and endangered species that nest and populate the area would be threatened.
Thank you for including this request in the public comments:
Name: ______________________ Date: __________________________
Call : 228-864-1167
E-mail to:
Mail to: GRPC - 1635-G Popps Ferry Road – Biloxi MS 39531