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Gulf Regional Planing Commission(GRPC)
The GRPC web site is the source of much of the material referenced herein.  The Regional Transportation Planning tab has a wealth of information relating to the Popps Ferry Widening. 

Mississsippi Department of Transportation(MDOT)
This is the state transportation web site. It contains the current projects and State Transportation Improvement Program(STIP) 5 year Plan. 

Metropolitan Long-Range Transportation Plan(MTP)
This is the document that outlines the long range transportation plan. It includes a link to the maps of the long range projects.  It also includes the priority of projects and lists those that are funded and those not yet funded. 

Traffic Counts
Click on the map on the right to enlarge to see traffic count sites. Then click on an individual location to see details. Note: Data does not seem to be current, i.e., 2022. 

Biloxi Comprehensive Plan - Update 
This is the draft of Biloxi's comprehensive plan which includes the Transportation Plans. 

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