• Task E-3: West Harrison County North-South Connector Study
GRPC planners and consultants will collaborate in the performance of a study to
identify and evaluate potential locations and alignments for a north-south
connector between I-10 and US 90 in west Harrison County.
The resulting proposed route will provide much needed improvements for north-south access, including an alternate truck route, and better hurricane evacuation for residents. A conceptual rendering of a preferred route, along with funding options will be developed.
Recommendations for improvements will be developed with the context of existing and projected land uses.
Responsible Agency: GRPC
Deliverable(s): West Harrison County North-South Connector Study document
Funding Requirement: $100,000
Funding Source(s): FHWA/MDOT STP - $80,000; Local Match – Harrison County $10,000 & GRPC $10,000
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